Monday 21 May 2012

A New York Night. Obama and Mariah

After the fundraiser hosted by George Clooney for President Obama, in his home, it seems that other celebrities of Hollywood are gearing up to do the same. The latest entrant to the list is Sarah Jessica Parker.
The campaign of President Obama has announced today a new contest for the campaign donors with the prize of tickets for two people to attend the fundraiser to be arranged at the home of the Sex and City star in New York. The event scheduled on June 14 is being termed as “A New York Night” with Parker, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.
The winner will also get tickets for the concert of Mariah Carey. In the e-mail fundraising pitch, Parker said that as a woman, mother and entrepreneur, she needs to believe that her country can be a place where everyone has a fair shot at success. The winner of the Emmy-award actress said that she believes this election is much more important than the one in 2008.
This election will determine that whether USA get to keep moving forward, or go back to the policies which ask the middle-class families, just like hers in Ohio, to carry the burden, while people like her who do not need tax breaks get extra help.
Both the campaigns of Romney and Obama have started contests where the winner gets the chance to spend time with candidates. The fundraiser arranged at the home of George Clooney reportedly raised a whopping amount of $15 million.


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